Two Sides commissioned Toluna to conduct a major survey of Australian consumers about their preferences, attitudes and trust for paper and print in a digital world.

"Findings indicate that consumers have a preference to read from paper rather than from screens.

Many Australians also indicated digital fatigue and agreed that paper and print provides a great way to switch off.”

Toluna Survey 2017

The findings conclude that consumers trust, enjoy and gain a deeper understanding of information read in print, with signs of digital fatigue and concern for security and privacy also evident.

These findings once again confirm the value of paper and print to consumers.

Print product marketing continues to develop consumer trust and connection
as online marketing and advertising prove relatively unpopular with most Australians. 

Some of the key findings include:

  • a majority (63%) prefer to read product catalogues in print

  • Australians agree (47%) that they like receiving personally-addressed advertising mail and printed leaflets delivered to their home

  • more (66%) agree they can’t remember the last time they willingly clicked an online advertisement

  • a majority (62%) do their best to avoid them

  • many Australians do not pay attention (72%) to online advertisements

  • the tendency to consume information from printed leaflets, catalogues and other unaddressed mail as well as direct advertising mail is higher (53%) than marketing emails (42%)

Similar results were concluded from
Deloitte’s 2017 ‘Media Consumer Survey’
which reported that: 

  • 77% of respondents stated they would skip an ad playing before a video game if given the choice

  • many Australians would sooner pay for content to avoid online ads

See the full survey results for all the details.