A graphic design featuring a voice bubble that reads, PRINT MARKETING is a game change. It gets attention, connects and is remembered. Printer West Perth

Choose print.

Now that the traditional ways of promoting your business through networking events, in-person conversations and meetings, and marketing at trade shows and social events have either become scarce or cancelled and so many people are working from home, it’s time to revisit the marketing power of print.

Say hello or touch base in a personal way.

Send your clients and contacts something they can touch and keep.

Consumers are becoming blinder to digital marketing at an alarming rate. Print captures attention. In a fast-moving world where your marketing message lasts for a nanosecond and can disappear into cyberspace, talk to your customers with products they can touch, see and read without a swirling mass of distractions competing with your message.

Wouldn't you remember a company who posted you a personally-addressed gift voucher instead of an emailed discount code?

If you can touch it, you’ll remember it.

Human touch is a powerful form of non-verbal communication and triggers memory stimulants.

There’s nothing like holding a piece of paper in your hand to tantalise the senses - from vibrant colours saturating the page, to the smell of popcorn on a cinema postcard, or the addition of embellishments such as raised print or clever cut-outs, all have a positive impact on consumer’s recall of a brand.

According to a Toluna survey into New Zealand consumers’ preference, 57% of Kiwis prefer to read product catalogues in print. These stats are repeated over and over in similar surveys.

Print always comes out on top in consumer recall and response. Roy Morgan research is still showing that print continues its growth as the more highly valued marketing medium for customers.

If it’s addressed to you personally, it matters more.

Seeing or hearing your name is a silent disrupter that has the ability to inspire instant engagement. Multiple studies have shown that hearing our own name causes stimulation in the brain that other names or words don’t produce. The upshot is that the sound or sight of our own name makes us happy.

An array of eye-catching, professionally designed and printed mailable print products including postcards, presentation folder, greeting cards, notepad and calendar, and a brochure. Printer West Perth

“Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound
in any language.” Dale Carnegie

Clever marketing says a lot about you.

Print products that are designed and printed with thought and creative flair reflect the quality of a high-end product in the mind of the customer. Stand out from a crowded market with products that are different and tell your customers you think about who they are and what they need.

Print works better.

Newspapers outperform nine of ten media platforms for gaining cut through and lifting recall, with more than one in three (39%) saying they recall seeing a print ad at the outset of their buying cycle.

In the wake of such results, brands are rethinking their marketing strategies and integrating a strong print channel to utilise its many benefits.

"More importantly, brands need to begin thinking like their customer and understand how their target markets are accessing information and consuming content."
Larry Myler, contributor at 

Direct mail is a quantifiable campaign.

The definable benefits of using direct mail to impact a specific audience are so clear that this method is once again seeing a resurgence.

A study conducted by Canada Post Corporation found direct mail’s motivation response was 20% higher than digital media, even more so if it appeals to more senses beyond touch. From this direct approach, brands can record exactly how many respond, what they buy, when they buy it and other relevant statistics. 

What are the most effective print products for direct mail?

  1. Brochures.

    They’re easy to personalise or customise to target specific markets, inexpensive to produce and mail, can contain a lot of information, and are easy to keep.

  2. Postcards.

    Extremely versatile, eye-catching, can be made in creative ways so yours stands out, they’re cost effective, and feel like personal mail.

  3. Thank You Cards.

    Remind your customers there are real people behind your business with a personally addressed and signed card. It doesn’t take much to say ‘thank you’ and your customers will love it.

  4. Branded Gifts.

    Who doesn’t like getting a present in the mail! It’s an immediate attention-grabber.

  5. Catalogues.

    An overwhelming 83% of catalogues read are printed hardcopy, compared to digital sitting at just 3%. In addition to readership percentages, the catalogue’s audience reach remains steady at 20.1m Australians.

Thank about getting creative with other ideas too such as gift vouchers, new client welcome packs and resource kits for your online events.

Let print be the game changer you’re looking for.

Like a reliable friend, print continues to deliver strong brand identifiers, trust, and tactile engagement along with ROI and ad recall. According to Marketing Sherpa, 82% of consumers trust print ads when making a purchasing decision, that’s more than any other channel. Digital comes in at between only 25% and 47% depending on the type of ad.

According to research company Accenture, in 2020:

  • 74% of Australians gave complete attention when reading compared to 61% providing attention to email.

  • 65% read every item received compared to 52% reading every email received.

  • 56% always share with other members of the household.

  • 62% of Australians feel important when they receive mail and 56% of 18- to 34-year-olds trust posted mail.

  • 43% made a purchase as a result of direct mail and 58% were likely to make a purchase from receiving mail.

  • 74% of Australians make an online purchase from reading posted mail and 47% go in-store.

Print offers a moment of stillness
that is sought after by many in
our fast-paced world.
A touch point, an anchor.

A well-produced brochure, booklet or business card says a lot to your customers about how much you value their business and the value of what you're offering them. It gives actual weight to your presence and resonates well with your clients.

People read print faster, remember what's in print far longer and more accurately than what they see on a screen.

Use our decades of experience in the industry
to raise your marketing impact.

Glide Print, we're your print solution.


The visual impact of professional quality graphic design is crucial to the success of all your marketing products.

Our designers are fast, creative and professional. We can add to your existing products or create a beautiful design from your ideas.

Glide Print supply all design work from simple tasks like getting your artwork ready for print to creating complex documents such as annual reports and marketing packages. We work closely with our clients to make sure your branding is consistent and the print quality is excellent across all your products.

All of our designers are based in Australia, we don’t outsource our work overseas. You receive personal attention from someone you can talk to and meet. It’s all part of Glide Print’s outstanding service to you.

Like all our products, we supply our design services at Glide Print’s competitive prices.


All our knowledge and skill come at no extra cost to you so you know
you're getting the best quality for your budget and the process will be an easy one for you.

We're here to help.

If you'd like to find out more about the best way to create your a-frames
call us on (08) 9221 7514 email us or request a quote.